Arise Blog

POETRY. a good way to reflect on the resurrection.
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

POETRY. a good way to reflect on the resurrection.

Poetry. a full word.

Let us step in and explore the resting and presence poetry can unfold or unveil.

Listening and then just maybe writing.

I welcome you in.

A simple definition of poetry, or an invitation of exploration sounds like this:

Poetry—“literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experiences or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.”

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The Coffee Shop: Favor
Devotional Melanie Nixon Devotional Melanie Nixon

The Coffee Shop: Favor

This month’s Coffee Shop writing comes out of my home, the morning hour of coffee since the weather has been cold, windy, snowy, hail and rain battering. And sunny! It has been sweet to do this writing from home gazing out the window inviting–a glimpse of wondering and growing with God. 

Moving from grace gleanings now into favor.  Grace means God’s unmerited favor so the question arises, what is exactly and experientially God’s favor? 

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Dwelling places: Grace upon grace
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Dwelling places: Grace upon grace

Is there something more for us in Grace? 


Greek for “grace” its meaning releases a beautiful clarity of ways to see God’s grace and the transformation we are welcomed into through Jesus.

charis meaning:

“that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech

good will, loving-kindness, favorof the merciful kindness by which God, exerting his holy influence upon souls, turns them to Christ, keeps, strengthens, increases them in…

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