VISIO DIVINA (seeing with the eyes of your heart)
The movement of this prayer uses a visual to help guide and set our minds on prayer thus allowing God to speak into our hearts through the image. Take as long as you can to sit with each portion of the prayer.
(read/see with the eyes): Open your eyes and scan the image. Notice what draws your interest while continuing to scale the whole image.
Close your eyes and rest.
(meditate) Open your eyes and allow your eyes to be led. Focus on one part of the image and silently give it a name.
Close your eyes again, holding that piece of the image in your mind’s eye.
(pray): Open your eyes and look again at the part of the image that caught your eye. Allow it to bring forth a word, image or emotion. What might God be speaking to you in this moment through this image?
Close your eyes and rest.
(contemplation): Open your eyes and gaze at the image. How would you like to respond to God today?