Arise Blog

Two ways to engage in a Daily Pause
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

Two ways to engage in a Daily Pause

The invitation is for us to set aside daily rhythms that are reflective and personal moments to Be With God—listening for His particular voice and see glimpses of His grace in our lives.

Visio Divina. Allows beauty to open the eyes of the heart, to see God’s goodness and to reveal His truth for us.

Daily Examen. The invitation is a moment of reflective journaling to listen in to your day’s movements. Notice how God…

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The Gift of            Solo Retreat
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

The Gift of Solo Retreat

Are you wondering what this coming year may have for you?

A place to begin is a long gaze at where you are currently— standing, sitting, or even lying down. One way of seeing more clearly—is in our times of silence and solitude with God.

The gift of retreat provides the space and time for wondering…

It is during these times God brings to life ‘new things’ during reflection, wondering, and more—the renewal of God’s love upon your life.

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POETRY. I welcome you in.
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

POETRY. I welcome you in.

Poetry. a full word.

What are your first thoughts when hearing the word “poetry”?

Is it Shakespeare or Langston Hughes or maybe someone else?

Is it Haiku or free verse?

Maybe the response is “I don’t read poetry because I don’t get it!” Or “I love poetry because I don’t always get it and the words and phrases sound lovely.”

Whatever you feel about poetry, I invite you…

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