POETRY. a good way to reflect on the resurrection.
Poetry. a full word.
Let us step in and explore the resting and presence poetry can unfold or unveil.
Listening and then just maybe writing.
I welcome you in.
A simple definition of poetry, or an invitation of exploration sounds like this:
“literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experiences or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.”
Evoking awareness is the beauty of reading or writing poetry for listening and discerning where God is in your life and how He is at work—nurturing, healing, restoring, redeeming, just loving you and me.
This month, I invite you to read a poem much like that of Lectio Divina. A slow reading of a poem three times and giving space in-between to be still, listen for God’s loving voice to you.
Noticing what words or phrases stand out. And within the silences, prayerfully listen and trust the Spirit to reveal, engulf, feel, and offer you consolation or release.
I offer you a poem below or choose one from your own shelf.
Or google one from the poetryfoundation.org site.