Arise Blog

A Snail’s Pace: Beauty, prayer, and rhythms of rest.
Current Readings
The Invisible Embrace: Beauty by John O’Donohue
The subtitle is Rediscovering The True Stories of Compassion, Serenity, and Hope. Every bit of this book even the titles offer invitations to just sit with before even opening the pages beyond…
Another kind and engaging read has been: Sabbath Keeping: Finding Freedom In The Rhythms of Rest by Lynne M. Baab. If you haven’t read a book on Sabbath, I recommend this one.
And more!!

Daily Pause(s)
The invitation is for us to set aside daily rhythms that are reflective and personal moments to Be With God—listening for His particular voice and see glimpses of His grace in our lives.
Visio Divina. Allows beauty to open the eyes of the heart, to see God’s goodness and to reveal His truth for us.
Evening Examen. The invitation is a moment of reflective journaling to listen in to your day’s movements. Notice how God…

Dwelling places: Writings by the Pond
Grief, grieving, lament, suffering and joy “full” life.
As I walk the usual path of my local park there’s a tug inside calling me to sit by the pond. Gaze. Reflect. Be with God.
While sitting and gazing out at the ducks and geese, the water fountain bubbling, the epiphany of today targets my finger to my phone to write by the pond—these glowing reflections on grieving…

classics. And podcasts.
Resonating stories from fellow pilgrims and followers of Jesus.
This month, I want to share with you some of the classics and podcasts that have been nurturing my soul—inviting the wholeness of God. It’s refreshing to hear new and sage voices offering the beautiful things of God. We certainly need one another to journey the spiritual life of this time. The eternal…