Arise Blog

Being with God. Silence and Solitude. Solo Retreat.
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

Being with God. Silence and Solitude. Solo Retreat.

Now that school is in motion, summer vacations are replaced with extracurricular activities, and steady routines are taking their daily course, maybe this is a good time to plan a retreat for renewal, soul care, and slowing life down before the holiday’s begin.

How about giving yourself a Solo Retreat— The gift of…

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Dwelling Places: Phronema (FROH-nee-mah) and Light.
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Dwelling Places: Phronema (FROH-nee-mah) and Light.

Today, this week, and throughout the coming days, I invite you to join me on a path of word trails. Some of you, maybe most of you have walked a rocky, dirt covered, sandy, or paved trail with me, and if you haven’t you’re always welcome to.

But a word trail may be new to you or somewhat familiar. What I hope most of all with this word trail is that it will be spacious.

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Evening Prayer
Resting Melanie Nixon Resting Melanie Nixon

Evening Prayer

Allow yourself to be ‘still’ for a moment, a minute or longer. Open your hands on your lap. Receive this time as rest.

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