classics. And podcasts.
A Spiritual Classic From Russia
Resonating stories from fellow pilgrims and followers of Jesus.
This month, I want to share with you some of the classics and podcasts that have been nurturing my soul—inviting the wholeness of God. It’s refreshing to hear new and sage voices offering the beautiful things of God. We certainly need one another to journey the spiritual life of this time. The eternal now (not sure who used this term but it keeps resonating with me) and eternity—the fullness of the Eternal life. Growing, deepening and expanding our desire for God comes within community—our communion with God, also our relationships with fellow pilgrims your friends, and my friends. As well as by hearing the life stories of others as they share on topics of interest, as we hear their passions, and listen for ways to engage and grow in our faith—trusting God is always at work in us for our good and His glory.
Maybe we’ll find a new thread, a surprising new insight or be challenged to lean in and learn from others in the midst of life’s journey:
The Way of A Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way, a beautiful writing on the desire to live into Paul’s commission to “pray without ceasing.” I find this book timely especially in the midst of two country’s at war where faith and love are being tried Russia and Ukraine. May just holding these pages call us to pray for the now current times, but also to glean from the faithful pilgrims of the past. To hold on to our “appetite for prayer” and walk in the day to day proclaiming “Lord, Jesus Christ have mercy on us! on me!”
Amy Carmichael, I Come Quietly To Meet You—devotional reading arranged by David Hazard. This little book is so rich with Amy’s insights from her life. She was a committed and devoted pilgrim of God placing herself in the midst of helping the suffering girls of India by “rescuing them from cult prostitution”—and this was back in late 1800’s-early 1900’s. The ongoing struggle for women and children still today in need of our prayers and God’s present help. Again, if you pick up this book, and read a portion daily may this also remind us to be fervent in prayer for India and the many vulnerable around the world.
Fabulous Reading! A Classic of sorts since these Yosemite Valley rocks have been around forever.
I grew up camping in the Valley below and the meadows above. My dream of mountain climbing may be too late, but reading of these courageous women throughout the history of climbing has gifted me with courage to face anything hard. They arise literally physically and interiorly not giving up to their desire to overcome and summit the challenges of El Capitan and Half Dome. I have thoroughly enjoyed this reading and am looking forward to reading more from Mountaineers Books.
A shout out to the author Thank you for compiling these stories Lauren DeLaunay Miller!
Discerning God’s Heart For The World with Steve Macchia and guests
Julian of Norwich Sessions I and II with host James Finley, here’s two episodes I found insightful and interesting.
Living in the Desert Without Leaving Your Life with Pete Scazzero
Check out more: