Arise Blog
Dwelling places: the soul
How often do you hear the word soul? My soulmate, soul sister or brother, soul music, soul care. It is a well used word which also has been included in many popular…
AriseBlog: Why the name?
This month, I would like to share with you some of the journey and the wellspring that Arise Blog came from.
A friend recently said to me, “I hear a story coming” …
Spring. Easter. Poetry.
What comes to your mind with this emphasis? Any number of thoughts, images, feelings, or names may come to mind as you read or hear the word.
…Shakespeare, Dickinson, Angelo, Blake…Psalms and so on? And often saying “I have no idea what I just read or heard” but there is feeling…
PLAY: Sabbath rest
How are your days of rest going so far this year? What is calling your attention during (Sabbath) rest?
Have you ever considered PLAY as an important part of your Sabbath rest?