Dwelling places: the soul
image Open Space, Albuquerque, NM
Hello Friends!
How are you doing? It has been awhile since I have shared some of my morning reflective moments with you. I am delighted to invite you to join me in taking a closer look at the word soul and the scriptures that encompass and embody this powerful and beloved word.
morning Dwelling Places (part four)
How often do you hear the word soul? My soulmate, soul sister or brother, soul music, soul care. It is a well used word which also has been included in many popular books, poetry, and songs.
The familiar chorus resonating in my mind as I write this is “It Is Well With My Soul”
These beautiful and powerful lyrics call us to trust our soul to God for it is our God who created us.
(verse 2)
Tho' Satan should buffet
Tho' trials should come
Let this blest assurance control
That Christ hath regarded My helpless estate
And hath shed His own blood
For my soul
It is well (It is well) with my soul (with my soul)
Jesus has defeated sin and hell! It is well.
PAUSE. LISTEN. I encourage you to sit a moment and listen to the song. What words or phrases stand out to you? Is there something drawing you closer to God today? If so, take a moment and write it down or just pause and offer a prayer to God.
We hear this word “soul” and connect it to other words like soul & spirit, heart, inner man, and others. As I noticed these connections, I began to wonder more about the soul.
Asking: What do I still need to learn, understand, and surrender? Do I really know the depths of its meaning? Is there something I am missing?
These kinds of questions often lead me to searching and study. To remain with God and the beauty and mystery of His love and care for us. The study is not to just find answers for I have learned God offers more of Himself—to discover, understand, more wonder, and says “Here, let’s experience My love together, My care for your soul.”
If your curiosity has been stirred, I welcome you to join me in wondering, gleaning, clarifying, or better yet, pursuing and experiencing more of God’s care for our soul. Your soul.
Let’s begin with this simple definition of the soul as the non physical element in humans.
This doesn’t seem to fill the void, which is good because then it means we are motivated to keep digging.
Here are a few more descriptive definitions for the soul that are helpful:
“the spiritual part of a person that some people believe continues to exist in some form after their body has died, or the part of a person that is not physical and experiences deep feelings and emotions” (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/soul)
“the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and in many religions is believed to live forever” (https://www.britannica.com/dictionary)
In Scripture, the word soul in Hebrew is nephesh. It can be translated in varying ways. The most common meaning is “person or living creatures.” And in the New Testament the Greek word for soul is translated “psyche” and is equivalent to the Hebrew meaning of “person or life.” (www. bibleq.net)
We often hear and relate the soul as synonymous with: spirit, heart, life, one's whole being. It is also at times distinct from heart and spirit.
I am intrigued by these similarities yet distinctives. Is there more to this well known word? Absolutely!
Before beginning, a few questions arise as I open up the pages of my Bible outline, titled SOUL. The outline offers these questions to examine and pursue in prayerful study.
What does the soul do?
How does it express human emotions?
Does the soul have spiritual desires?
What are the spiritual desires of the soul?
What does God do for the soul?
These are all beautiful and inquiring questions. And seemingly a great amount to sit with and glean. Where to begin?
I came to a pause, listened in silence and asked God to bring awareness within my heart, mind, and soul which of the questions are helpful for today and in this season of life. What to glean from, to be encouraged with and hopefully become more transformed in this time spent sitting with, praying through and studying God’s word.
PAUSE and LISTEN. I invite you to sit with the questions with your own wondering. Take a moment and write down your own thoughts or inquiries.
Our dwelling place for this time is the focus question: What are the spiritual desires of the soul?
I realize this question covers thirteen distinct desires of the soul which are:
the soul thirsts, yearns, seeks, finds rest, waits, turns, takes refuge, loves, serves, obeys, boasts, praises, and cries out to God.
Today, we will only begin the journey together. I then offer you a continuing guide to follow the path at your own pace. As you carry on, I encourage you to sit with a journal— writing your thoughts, discoveries, and more questions that will arise.
May we trust this discovery will do God’s loving soul work in us—our God welcomes us!
The spiritual desire of the soul: Thirsts for God
When I think of thirst, immediately water from the faucet or bottled drinking water we all tend to carry with us everywhere we go comes to mind. When we take a drink of water, it goes down our throat to the deepest life giving parts in our life system. Without water we will eventually die. There is a very intimate relationship with water to our body and living capability given to us by our intimate loving God.
Let’s begin with Psalm 42. READ SLOWLY these first verses and allow them to speak to you, wash over you, and wade in them. Psalm 42:1-2, a perfect example given to us from nature:
“As the deer pants [longingly] for the water brooks,
So my soul pants longingly for You, O God.
My Soul [my life, inner self] thirsts for God.” [AMP]
PAUSE AND LISTEN. Maybe even jot down some thoughts or resonating words or phrases.
READ SLOWLY when you’re ready through verses 3-10 as they describe why the thirst, panting, the longing are so desperate— and laden with tears, struggles, crushing, and despair.
PAUSE AND LISTEN. Are there any resonating words or phrases? or words that evoke tension or resistance? If so, linger with those for a moment and in prayerful stillness listen. Ask God about them trusting that His presence is with you caring for your soul.
LISTEN for the HOPE intertwined by remembering God is faithful in our every moment. Close with the courageous stirring for us in verse 11 as it is repeated (maybe even speak it a few times as you listen):
“HOPE in God and wait expectantly for Him, for I shall yet praise Him” —Ps. 42:11 [AMP]
PAUSE. With a journal— write your thoughts, discoveries, and more questions that arise.
PRAYER. Offer or write a prayer to the Lord.
SILENCE. If possible, stay a little longer resting in God in stillness and silence.
Spiritual Desires of the Soul
Over the next few days or weeks continue your searching and study with the following:
The Soul…
Yearns for God (Psalm 84:2)
Seeks God (Dt. 4:29; 2 Ch. 15:12)
Finds rest in God (Ps 62:1,5)
Waits for God (Ps 130:5-6)
Turns to God (Dt 30:10, I Ki 8:48)
Takes Refuge in God (Ps 57:1)
Take some time to reflect and journal what you are noticing, gleaning, and encouraged to hold on to. Where are you experiencing God’s presence and care for your soul?
Ask God to guide your heart, mind, body, and soul throughout your day.