PLAY: Sabbath rest
Hello Friends,
How are your days of rest going so far this year?
What is calling your attention during (Sabbath) rest?
Have you ever considered PLAY as an important part of your (Sabbath) rest?
I have to admit PLAY for me has been something treasured and at times forgotten. When our grandson comes over we play ball (throwing a ping pong ball at the door while it bounces back to him), play while pretending to be animals, and more play while building puzzles. However recently as an empty nester, play has been somewhat sporadic and not an intentional part of my weekly resting.
Just the other day, I believe God was calling my attention to this missing piece of Sabbath rest. I was conversing recently with a friend and he reminded me of the necessity of PLAY in all of life. The sandbox picture he described hit me like an awakening. After our brief providential interaction, I went about the rest of my Sunday, with the words Play and Sabbath arising and lifting my eyes up and my mind to wonder— God are you showing me something here?
While contemplating my day of rest on a walk, strolling through my neighborhood park, this written and visual impression came to be. I was stunned and struck with joy and play inspired zeal.
Sunday’s sunset Park
There is PLAY in the air.
All around as the sun sets on Sunday.
A cottontail eating his fill of grasses. Two young adults sit in the tree sharing stories. While the playground sings and screams with thrill.
Swinging, basketball, volleyball, soccer play for kids. Two bustling ponds full of winter geese and wood ducks sharing space.
The grand finale of play. A young man plays his electric saxophone machine decked out with speakers so the world can hear his ambient playful sounds.
As I linger, sitting on the grass taking in this moment, my heart beams to full with this presence of PLAY —all around Sunday’s sunset park.
Yes!—clap one and all.
PLAY is sabbath at its sweetest when met by family, friends, even strangers gathering. Though separate and spread out in this wide open space —in my eyes and I imagine in God’s—He sees this park moment as a beautiful unity of His people and creation. Oh—and don’t forget the dogs playful meeting here in this space.
Today—every week there is THIS way of play like “Sunday’s sunset Park!”
The invitation is to prayerfully wonder and consider our Sabbath ways (whatever day that may be for us). What better day to contemplate playfulness.
Let’s take some time on our next day of rest (ceasing from work) and explore some of these questions.
You may wish to carry along a journal, or a sketch pad with colorful markers or paints, maybe even a park— for reflection as you ponder:
What were some fond memories of childhood play for you?
What words or phrases describe playfulness for you?
What do you imagine playfulness looking like now?
If you were to explore play in the present what activities might you try?
Give thanks to the Lord and His Spirit being with you in this exploration.
Rest, Savor, and PLAY!
For more discovery, guidance, and encouragement I highly recommend “Keeping the Sabbath Wholly: ceasing, resting, embracing, feasting” by Marva J Dawn