Spring. Easter. Poetry.
Good evening Friends!
It’s a beautiful month where Spring is showing itself, Easter is coming soon, and Poetry is emphasis (April is national poetry month)!
Poetry you say! —“Literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm” (www.britanncia.com)
What comes to your mind with this emphasis? Any number of thoughts, images, feelings, or names may come to mind as you read or hear the word.
For me, it is lovely phrases and truths, Shakespeare, Dickinson, Angelo, Blake…Psalms and so on. And often saying “I have no idea what I just read or heard” but there is feeling and even un-feeling. More so unknowing and knowing.
Lately there is a dance going on between the “un’s” and the “know’s” like mentioned: knowing and unknowing, naming and un-naming, likely and unlikely… I’m not sure where I’m going with this but noticing. Words have a way of expanding us but also compressing us. Moving us and stopping us in our tracks. Poetry is something that gives us expansion and exploration into this dance. Poetry is something I un-know well but desire to know more.
So here’s to poetry month and to the engagement with the truest of words and the mystery of unveiling and veiling with poems.
poem taken from Prayers of the Heart by Richard Foster
This poem by D. Gertrude More sparked a poem of another (see below).
May the inspiration of another spark a poem in your heart this month!
A Humble Love
A humble love…
A farmer waiting for the rain to nourish his crops
a humble love…
A crowd waiting, hoping, anticipating
a humble love…
Three Sisters praying without ceasing
a humble love…
Encountering weaknesses and failures
a humble love…
Surrendering, embracing, letting go
a humble love…
Vulnerable, unraveled, barren
a humble love…
Accepting miracles
a humble love…
A Shepherd who carries his sheep
a humble love...
To love humility
a humble love…
By Melanie Raquel N., 2019