Arise Blog

Guest feature
Often words are hard and tiresome when I am already weary, so creating small, sometimes really simple, goofy sketches to reflect on my day is easier. Sometimes it is really hard. But I think it is always good. It helps keep my eyes open to the world around me…

Spiritual exercise
Begin a contemplative walk somewhere away from your normal space if possible. Listen to the stirrings as your feet walk and your senses engage. What thoughts about this word or phrase come to mind? Hold those thoughts. Pause if you need to and look out around you, look up into the sky…

Dwelling places
Hello Friends! Today, I am beginning a new venture. As I start on this new path of blogging, I honestly admit that beginning something new is often exciting and intimidating. These two adjectives are the propellers spinning as I lift off with writing a blog…
Spiritual exercise
Do you often feel anxious? Worried? Confused? Overwhelmed? Tired? I would imagine if you are like me, these words can speak to a part of your everyday life in some form or another. We are human. We are in need. We look for breaks in our day …