Dwelling places

Hello Friends!

Today, I am beginning a new venture. As I start on this new path of blogging, I honestly admit that beginning something new is often exciting and intimidating. These two adjectives are the propellers spinning as I lift off with writing a blog for the first time. I hope the words shared will be an invitation to listen, ponder, slow down, and be encouraged. Better yet, inspire you to do new things that are life giving for you. As life is full of twists and turns, we need one another to help us on our journey. May these postings lift you up a little to keep the wind in your propellers moving forward day by day.

Let’s begin. Take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

morning Dwelling Places (part one)

Is there a longing in your life today? How does that longing feel for you?

Is it an invitation or a resistance? Or both?

Waking this morning amidst smokey skies, I sit inside gazing out my front window at my tall, slender, green and red Japanese maple tree. I love how the bright sun rays create a glistening and vibrancy in the leaves. With a cup of tea in hand, and a resting sigh, my mind begins wondering about the day.

Picking up my Bible I read Psalm 84. The words “How lovely are Your dwelling places” wash over me like a sweet melody. They begin a stirring within - a longing rises. A beautiful lyrical awakening of the inner self. The psalm plays on “My soul longs for and greatly desires the courts of God.”

I wonder, and then ask aloud, what does this mean? What is going on within my heart, mind, and body today?

I then PAUSE and LISTEN while sipping my cup of tea in silence. (I invite you, the reader, to pause and listen to these lyrical words and questions with your own wondering.)

My mind begins sifting back to a few hours prior remembering the night’s tossing and turning.  Some of the uncomfortable dwelling places within the sleepless mind.  I hold for a moment an awareness of these places and recognize hurt, distrust, and adapted self.  A weak vessel in need of strength and salve. I know I don’t want to live today tossing and turning. 

So, how do I enter my today with peace, healing, and hope? With God’s dwelling places and longings?

I continue to LISTEN finishing my cup of tea. (Once again, I invite you, the reader, to pause and listen with your own wondering.) btw LISTEN represents for me prayer, inner communication with God and His Holy Presence

As I keep listening, I hear birds chirping. My thoughts begin to speak about the day ahead, “I’ll watch Abraham (my grandson) around noon…

whatever else shall unfold is His…”

I am fine.” But am I fine?”

Feeling a little scattered, I pour a cup of coffee and begin refocusing on the longings and dwelling places. To dig deeper, to purge or purify, discern and glean. I turn to the reference pages in my Bible outlining the HEART.

Why here? I know myself well. And that the HEART reveals the dwelling places that will form my longings.

Here’s what I found, the phrase “What the REGENERATE HEART DOES…”

This captivates my attention and I decide to carry on. Excited now to continue exploring my wonderings.

Oh, but first I need a refresher on the definition.


  • Regrow to replace lost or injured tissue

  • Bring into renewed existence

  • Bring new and more vigorous life; revive

Honestly, I pause, and say wow!  Those are real, authentic, and inviting words defined. 

Okay, now I can begin to unravel the questions surfacing and explore what God desires to reveal in small portions:

How do I begin today with peace, healing, and hope?

With God’s dwelling places and longing?

What does the regenerate heart do?

The first reveal. The REGENERATE HEART cries out for the living God. “My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God” Psalm 84: 2

Ah, yes, this is what I long for! I sit for a moment with this first reveal. I notice these words described bring about for me confession, lament, and prayer. I confess I need God to enter my distrust. I lament over the hurt of my own ways towards others and those done to me. I pray, today God, bring alive your joy in playing with my delightful grandson, in making dinner, and in running errands in the heat. As well as whatever else unfolds.

The calming voice of the Lord speaks to my heart today, “Melanie, put on the garment of praise, sing for joy to the living God.”  Oh how gently, His still small voice clears away the tossing and turning. The praise rises and my feet begin this ordinary day with my own melody, “Oh how lovely is the living God who is my dwelling place.” 

As you may notice, I’m not a morning person (two cups of tea and a coffee). Taking time to begin my day is helpful. Being still and communing with God gives me the new breath for facing the day.  I don’t always have this ‘taking time’ in my mornings, but when I am able they are so worth the seizing.  I have decided over the next few weeks to follow this trail. I hope you will join me in discovering your longings, and dwelling places. Together, we can awake and live within the invitations of the regenerate heart to God’s longings for us.  

Dwelling Places Invitation. Take some time to reflect and journal if you wish your own noticing. 

Name your own confession _________________, lament ______________, and prayer ______________.  PAUSE and LISTEN.  Write or speak aloud what you hear. 

image shot along one of the Rio Grande acequia’s, a view of the west mesa volcanoes, NM

image shot along one of the Rio Grande acequia’s,

a view of the west mesa volcanoes, NM


Spiritual exercise


Spiritual exercise