Arise Blog

The Coffee Shop: gratitude
God invites us where we are.
Drew Jackson’s poetry keeps seeping into my morning’s sometimes even in the afternoon’s. I’ll take it anytime. Reading the poem, To Be a Realist had to be read at least three times much like a Lectio Divina rhythm. I love how each of his poems flow from a passage of Scripture. This one came out of the overflow of Jairus’ daughter's miracle. Jesus came to his house leaving the crowds to bring…

Prayer: quiet and stillness
“To share Centering Prayer with others is a preeminent way to fulfill our Christian mission “we are created in the image and likeness of God” and to open out to our brothers and sisters the Way, the Truth, and the Life; that is, the Good News.” (165) by M. Basil Pennington

Marcus B., Martin, SJ. T. Merton. & H. Murakami.
Funny thing happened this month!
four authors, Four M’s…

The Coffee Shop: Peculiar
God invites us where we are.
On a recent Sunday afternoon, my grandson was over at our house, and he remembered hiding Easter eggs several months ago in the backyard. He asked to hunt eggs like at Easter time. I was delighted he had enjoyed the egg hunt so much to ask for it again. This was good timing, I had two hard boiled eggs I made the day before in the refrigerator. I smiled and said, “What a fun idea!” “I’ll go get the eggs and you stay inside to wait until…