Marcus B., Martin, SJ. T. Merton. & H. Murakami.
Funny thing happened this month!
four authors, Four M’s
Current Readings
Love + Work, you may have heard of Marcus Buckingham or rather his former wife amongst those college admissions, SAT/ACT scandals. He gives some insight into what happened but more so he shares what he has learned from experience and research in regards to Love + Work. In familiar language and scenarios, his writings share much for us to consider maybe even rethink, and in particular the focus of love + work, relationships and the workplace, and more with attentiveness on the whole person God cares most deeply about, each of these are walked through in this book. Fresh perspectives linger when reading his work, research, and noticings. As always— be discerning, and hold to what God’s truth proclaims, guides, and speaks.
My neighbor gave this to me as a gift. And I’m into regifting good reads so here’s one for you!
My Life with the Saints, sounded intriguing as we often encounter names of saints in some of the churches we’ve visit here in NM, also in reading various books, as well as images gazed upon in art galleries. So who are some of these followers of Christ?
This one struck me because of it’s writing style as well, and noted quote on the front cover “One of the best spiritual memoirs in years.”—Robert Ellsberg.
Martin, a fascinating author as well, he grew up within Catholic childhood, then educated in business, became an executive for General Electric, then on to ministry, then a media career—sounds like a journey of experiences worth listening in on.
Martin’s final quote “God does not want us to be Mother Teresa or Dorothy Day. God wants us to be most fully ourselves.”
Beautiful, slow read!
Merton, always surprises!
The Sign of Jonas has been sitting on a bookshelf for some time. Feeling a big like Jonah lately, there was a nudge of curiosity to pick it up and hear another kind of memoir on the life of a monk. Living with God’s calling at the forefront of daily life, the “what you do” can seem strange, unconventional, peculiar, and at times questionable, “God really?” “Is this You calling me?”
Listening to the unfolding of another’s story, especially from Merton whose heart, mind, and body was attuned to Jesus seemed like a good journey to read about. His autobiography Seven Story Mountain is a must read too! He mentions in this journal-like book some of the unfolding of SSM. I hope you enjoy this one!
A few months ago, the pages of Murakami’s book about his writing journey Novelist as a Vocation, he noted running as a significant part of his daily writing rhythm for life. This was a great read! So why not hear more from the pages of What I Talk About When I Talk About Running: A Memoir (back cover above) so far so good!
Hopefully you’ll enjoy one of these readings or resonate with something noted within Resonating Resources.