Arise Blog

From the garden: Restoration pt. 2
Devotional Melanie Nixon Devotional Melanie Nixon

From the garden: Restoration pt. 2

Daily Life Rhythms

Days later the word “restoration” still remains, a mulling with, and longing to trust there’s work going on in the heart. 

A steady prayer has been arising asking God, “How will You continue the restoration of our minds, hearts, bodies–our souls?” Many people ask and we often share conversations “dialogue” of honest and open questioning about …

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From the garden: Restoration
Devotional Melanie Nixon Devotional Melanie Nixon

From the garden: Restoration

Have you ever spent time restoring a piece of furniture maybe a family heirloom? When my daughter was born, I decided to restore a french style dresser for her room. It took stripping the old paint, then lightly sanding the top, sides, and drawers before applying an undercoat…

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Dwelling places: Negative Space
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Dwelling places: Negative Space

Wondering, wandering, thinking on…

Recently on my walk around my local park, I sat down to rest and ponder. While looking out noticing the wide open field here is where I began thinking of negative space. The grassy field feels energetically vacant. Something should be happening here! Something will…

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inspired to write.
Resonating Resources Melanie Nixon Resonating Resources Melanie Nixon

inspired to write.

cheers! —To courage and vulnerability, and the pathways to sharing your voice through writing.

Gratefulness to Henri Nouwen, Amy Carmichael, Haruki Murakami, and Michelle Otero.

These four authors have been an ongoing and welcoming of influences in my journey of exploration with writing. I praise them for their bravery to be vulnerable and give of themselves through the voice of writing, sharing their honest lives, vocations, and I will say souls for others to be moved…

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