From the garden: Restoration
Are there any hints of restoration going on within you?
Begin with silence
Quiet settling in
A deep breath,
slowly let it out
Psalm 80
Restore us, O Lord God of hosts!
Let your face shine that we may be saved!
Have you ever spent time restoring a piece of furniture maybe a family heirloom? When my daughter was born, I decided to restore a french style dresser for her room. It took stripping the old paint, then lightly sanding the top, sides, and drawers before applying an undercoat of sage green paint. Then waiting for it to dry, before adding a top coat of white paint, waiting again for the white to dry before lightly sanding the white off in some places so the sage green could show through. It was a slow and lengthy process taking time and attention, time for work, and time for waiting before completing this large piece of furniture. I realized after painting the dresser it wasn’t quite ready to use yet. The drawers needed some sanding around the bottom edges so they could smoothly slide in and out. This was a special heirloom from my grandmother and I wanted it to be restored well and returned to its best condition.
Recently, the word restoration has been surfacing in conversations, in readings, and streaming thoughts which has led me to wondering. and asking:
God, what is it about this word restoration that You want me to notice, and glean from?
Shortly after this question came to mind, I came across Psalm 80, and continued following the Spirit’s way of guiding me by thinking on the word restore and more so the noun restoration: a return of something to a former, original, normal, or unimpaired condition.
The noun reminds us that we are a unique work of God’s love in process not yet fully restored.
Restore is also active in its verb tense similar to what took place within the work of the heirloom dresser.
Today, as I sit in my front garden, the spark keeps igniting with these tenses of the word restore. When thinking on a word, it’s helpful to share what’s surfacing so here are a few portions of the way God is restoring and drawing my heart towards Him in our relationship day by day:
We can be encouraged by His faithfulness as the One who meets us in the places of the heart, mind, body–to do restoration.
As I look out at the flourishing roses, the greens of plants and leaves on the trees, restoration feels like the perfect word to embrace.
So does this portion from Green: The Colour of Growth by John O’Donohue:
“Green is the colour of youthfulness; it is full of spring energy. It is the colour of the earth aflourish (love this word). Green is not static but full of the energy and direction of growth, urgent on its journey towards the light. Gravity cannot keep it down; the call of light is always stronger”
“The call of light is always stronger” Yes! This brings to the forefront how God, our Creator chooses light to awaken us each morning, to light our nights, to reveal the heavenly realms, to embrace us with joy and bring to us comfort when life can be dim. Light, His light is stronger.
Pause. Take a moment to listen.
As you’ve begun to hear the words restore or restoration, is there something lighting a spark in your thoughts?
What about the phrase “the call of light is always stronger”--is there a passage of Scripture that comes to mind?
Or a song?
Or a Psalm?
Some more from John O’Donohue:
“Green is the colour of relentless desire. Even from under earth smothered over with concrete or tarmacadam, the green blade will rise. Nothing can keep grass down.” “It rests the eye, and still remains the colour of the day’s desire.”
How beautiful are these restorative words. May they invite us into thoughtful contemplation of our God who made this so–Earth and its green, as well as light and its call.
Take a moment to notice the colour green in your surroundings. Where do you see it?
Where do your eyes rest?
How does God’s creation of green shades connect you to Him?
Maybe take a walk or sit out in your own garden or landscape where green is present. Or if it isn’t, go ahead an imagine green.
Are there any hints of restoration going on within you?
Daily Life
stay tuned for Part 2: Restoration (a Biblical Word Study)