Eclectic. Refreshing. Living.
Practicing theWay of Jesus: Life Together in the Kingdom of Love by Mark Scandrette
One day in July, I began scanning our garage library looking for a particular red cover book, but instead I pulled this one off the shelf and said “Huh, This is intriguing!” I never found the other red-jacket book so I began reading this one. A modern read yet full of historical living, and I have to say refreshing hearing Scandrette describe the trials and errors of practice and living the way of Jesus today. What it may look like, feel like, sound, taste, and more so listening. A big part of this reading was for listening to the desires and longings of another to live intentionally with eyes, hands, feet—the body engaged with Jesus, now, in our modern communities. Two chapters igniting curiosity and movement towards practices were “Creating Space for Shared Practices” and “How Practicing Changes Us: Inward/Outward Journey of Transformation.”
Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia and guests
The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast with Pete Scazzero
Disrupting False Peace as God’s Path to True Peacemaking Pt. 1 and Pt. 2