Being with God: “The Gift of Retreat”
Are you wondering what
this coming year
may have for you?
A place to begin is a long gaze at where you are currently— standing, sitting, or even lying down. One way of seeing more clearly—is in our times of silence and solitude with God.
The gift of retreat provides the space and time for wondering and an opportunity for you to reflect on:
What are my longings?
What desires have been staying with me?
How is my current season of life with God?
These are often the questions and wonderings we begin to experience and that arise at the close of a year.
As a New Year is beginning maybe this is a good time to set aside a day or more of time for a retreat that brings to light reflection, wondering, maybe even a renewal of God’s love upon your life.
The invitation is caring for your soul—your mind, body, heart—you and your life with God matter.
evening moment at the Albuquerque Open Space, NM
How about giving yourself a Solo Retreat— The gift of setting aside 4-6 hours, 8 hours or maybe even one day on a solo retreat solely for the intention of spending time with God.
I know the feelings of my first response are “Yes!, oh that sounds amazing!” but then the second comes with “I don’t have time!”
If you feel this then you are in good company. I have to say, I wish I would’ve been given permission a long time ago from myself and others. Someone!
Well, I’d love for you to know there is this Someone! God, our Father and His Son, the Spirit of God invites us. Jesus spoke these words to his fully engaged disciples (just as we are):
“Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” For there was constant coming and going.”
“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while”—for there were many [people who were continually] coming and going, and they could not even find time to eat.”—Mark 6:31
And we so often hear this familiar invitation but allow “barriers” to prevent us.
What if this invitation resembles exactly what Jesus invites “a break and to rest a little while” ?
What if the barrier resembles Him?
“looking up at once to our Strong God—our Barrier between us and them, as the pillar of cloud formed a barrier between the Egyptians and Israel” (them being whatever that may be for you: a limitation, a deep interior struggle, time itself…).
“What joy our lives can be when we continually prove His tenderness in the very little things. There is nothing too small for Him to help. He is indeed a Barrier between us and our pursuers (them).”
”How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadows of your wings! (Ps 36:7).
Now for a day of joy!” — *taken from Amy Carmichael “I Come Quietly to Meet You”
I hope this little reflection excites you as it does me! To keep returning to rest, silence, and solitude so we may spend intentional time with Our loving and generous God.
I’ll be praying for us!
Let me know if you’d like prayer while on retreat. I would love to be praying for you (send a message with the dates you’ll be going). Contact me for any questions or details that you have, glad to walk with you and help you get started!
Continue Reading for more!
Candid on retreat image by m r n
Invitation. The spiritual practice of silence and solitude by way of a solo retreat.
When we often think of retreat it may be a variety of workshops and activities to choose from and these can be good as well.
Yet, this offering is slightly different to engage in, where there is movement but also slowing down to “Be Still” and commune with God.
Here are a few ideas to get you thinking and hopefully move towards setting time aside and follow through:
I. Take a look at your calendar and set the date “Solo Retreat”—done!
II. Begin thinking about where you could spend those hours, or day.
If getting out of town is a challenge, then in-town choose a serene park, a trail you’ve always wanted to explore, or a quaint spot around town with a chapel to spend time in. Pick your spot, if needed book your arrangements for overnight (consider a monastery if possible). Put this in your calendar as well.
In New Mexico: The Norbertine Abbey Retreat Center, Pecos Monastery, Christ in the Desert Monastery near Abiquiu. Or an “air bnb” in Santa Fe or nearby.
In town: Albuquerque Bio-park, Bosque trails near Sagebrush Church or Nature Center, Sandia Mountain foothills, Manzano Mountain Retreat Center
III. Begin praying about how you’d like to spend your time with God.
Is there a book you’d like to read?
A passage or theme from Scripture to sit with.
Maybe some music you’d like to take along or an instrument you enjoy playing.
Writing or journaling.
Any art supplies or whittling you enjoy, a bike or kayak… this time is meant to be delight, pleasure, and leisure. Begin making a list or gathering your items.
IV. A week before, prayerfully and loosely sketch out a plan or schedule.
You’ll find this helpful before heading out so you don’t have to think of ways to spend your time or what to do. But also, be flexible and be led by the Spirit to guide your time when you go.
V. The day before you leave, share with a spiritual friend that you’re going so he or she can be praying for you. This will give you companionship and accountability.
Enjoy your time with the Lord!
Retreat Plan (sample)
Begin your first hour (or more) releasing distractions
Walking in silence, taking in your surroundings
Journaling away your distractions, offering these as prayer to the God who knows and hears you
Your next hour(s)
Consider a slow reading of Scripture with moments of prayerful silence Lectio Divina
Sit with an image using Visio Divina and listen for God’s particular words to you for this moment
Let a song wash over you or sing with your own voice, listening for God’s love embracing you
Your next hours
You may be ready for a nap, let this be a “holy nap” of resting in God’s presence
Let your inspirations or struggles flow forth in some creative way: pull out your art supplies, whittling knife, camera, whatever brings you pleasure— for God takes pleasure in being with you
Your time with God is for your enjoyment and His good pleasure.
Listen for His invitations of love
Maybe sit in a chapel nearby or a cathedral of nature
Maybe explore some new activity, or place you’ve always wanted to see
Close your time with silence once again, and offer when ready a prayer of Thanksgiving to our living and loving God.
(Oh, don’t forget to eat, take along snacks, and drink water!!)