Neuroscience. Creativity. Contemplative.
What’s going on in the brain?
Current Readings
Fascinating work, discussion, and practicum.
Awhile back, in my spiritual direction peer group, we shared resources that are beneficial in helping us grow, both in us personally and in our vocation of ministry.
I finally picked up these pages and keep picking them up—a slow read and one worth sitting with, allowing space to let the content appear in the confluences of the day. Brain awareness, patterns of relationships, and so much more—”What is? And oh my! What has been missed?
*How well is the family of God doing collectively? “
If you have an answer whether good, bad and ugly you’re probably right.
Good only because our God is good. Bad, well, truth has been distorted or dispelled. Ugly, is there a connection to beauty?
These are my first responses. *What are yours?
The beautiful gleanings of this reading have so far been with two very important words: Joy and Hesed: “Joy: The Face of Jesus That Transforms” (from chapter three). “Hesed: Our Relational Glue” (chapters four and five)
Hesed, Hebrew word meaning—
“steadfast love” “loyal kindness” “loving kindness” “mercies” “faithful love”
I highly recommend this read or posted here is an audio link to the book. May these offerings bring forth loving conversation.