Daily Prayer
SILENCE (sit or kneel, light a candle if you wish) Allow yourself to be ‘still’ for a moment, a minute or longer. Open your hands on your lap. Receive this time as rest.
MUSIC (close your eyes. listen. move your body gently to the rhythm of the music)
a special feature
Recently while my husband and I were visiting Chicago, we made it to the suburbs to hear Matt (on stand up bass) and a small ensemble play (four female string players). We didn’t know what to expect with this live concert. What a surprise and incredible experience!
A gentle, humble and quiet spirit, Matt composed this piece Longing and shared briefly about its unfolding. His words and the music were a beautiful blessing to my soul.
I hope you enjoy listening and see where the Spirit of God speaks to you through his music. It’s an instrumental composition so feel free to close your eyes and have a listen.
What are you noticing within your body, mind, heart, spirit?
SILENCE Allow yourself to be ‘still’ for a moment, a minute. Receive this time as rest. Close your eyes and listen.
PSALMS (meditation of your heart)
sanctuary photo by m. r. n.
Prepare: (take a moment to settle, light a candle, sit in silence)
Choose a Psalm (for the week or a new one each day). Or follow the theme of “Longing” using Psalm 63 as your daily prayer.
(read): Read through the words of the Psalm slowly allowing them to gently speak over you. You may wish to read each verse or phrase and pause. Then move on to the next verse or phrase tomorrow. Continue this pattern. Be led by the words and inner voice of God (the Holy Spirit) within you.
(meditate) Close your eyes and listen for a word or phrase that is staying with you. Focus on that one part, reread it through a few times aloud.
Close your eyes again, listen and notice where your thoughts are being led.
(pray): What might God be speaking to you in this moment through this word or phrase? Ask God for His guidance.
Close your eyes and rest.
(contemplation): Open your eyes and gaze at the candle representing the light of Christ. How would you like to respond to God today? Open your hands on your lap. Receive this time as rest.
Other Psalms following the theme of Longing— Ps 42, 84, 119:33-40