Slow reading. Picking up that book again.
image view of the Sandia Mts in Albuquerque, New Mexico
Current Readings
Unless You Become Like This Child by Hans Urs von Balthasar
A revisit. This book has been a slow read and on my night stand for about a year. It’s a mere 65 pages. You’d think a fast read, but for me the depth and intake of this reading has taken time. Reading quickly is certainly possible, yet with this one I’ve only picked up when I’m ready for a long chewing and desiring to digest in moments, allowing the words which need to remain—remain. Definitely one to read again (a faster pace the second time). The title is enough to sit a whole year with “Unless You Become Like This Child” or really a life journey in and with.
The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit by Gordon T. Smith
I highly recommend this book. The return to these pages for this reading was Prayer as noted in the title and specifically chapter 8— The Character of Our Prayers. In this portion, there’s a few pertinent pages on the Dark Night something that has intrigued my desire to see God more in seasons and/or moments of my prayer journey. A glimpse from the chapter mentioned, he suggests four dimensions to the Spirit’s inner witness:
the assurance that we are loved
convicting ministry regarding sin
the illumination of our minds with truth
guidance in times of choice
Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Contemplative Practice by Christine Valters Paintner
Centering Prayer by M. Basil Pennington, OCSO
Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia and guests