T. Merton, C. Paintner & D. Willard
images taken in San Patricio, New Mexico shadow and light contemplative practice
Current Readings
Beholding Paradise: The Photographs of Thomas Merton by Paul M Pearson
My dear husband recently bought this book for me as an anniversary gift. He knows my inspiration of both Merton and photography—when these two collide, I’m thrilled! His black and white images of trees carry the beauty of barren branches, and a love and familiarity with the seasons of trees and plant life’s cyclical presence.
Here are a few of Merton’s quotes resonating as winter finishes and budding will appear soon:
Tree in Winter (you’ll have to purchase the book to see his photos)
“Real spring weather—these are the precise days when everything changes. All the tree are fast beginning to be in leaf and the first green freshness of a new summer is all over the hills, irreplaceable purity of these few days chosen by God as His sign”
Solitary Tree on Hillside
“I looked at all this in quiet tranquility, with my soul and spirit quiet. For me landscape seems to be important for contemplation; anyway, I have no scruples about loving it.”
Eyes of the Heart: Photography as a Contemplative Practice by Christine Valters Paintner
Picking this one up again for reading, and practicing her suggestions for contemplation (see inspired photos above). I highly recommend this book for anyone inspired to explore:
“Receiving photos with the heart is an experience of grace and revelation, an encounter with the sacred”
“When we approach photography as a contemplative practice, we engage consciously in this movement from opaqueness to transparency, from shadow to illuminated clarity.”—Paintner
This month’s exploration of shadow and light was a delight when venturing out to a new place of discovery at San Patricio, NM. The pastures, hillsides, and tree lined paths of the Ruidoso River gave the eyes of my heart time and space to play with seeing and receiving shadow and light. Beginning in the morning, then again during an afternoon stroll, and once again for early evening exploration.
Renovation of the Heart: Putting On the Character of Christ by Dallas Willard
I have heard many quotes by Willard and comments about this well-loved and devoted to spiritual life leader that I finally needed to pick up one of his many books to take in with openness and gladness. Upon first beginning, I started from the front but I find at times when a table of contents presents itself, I confess I jumped to the chapter which caught my attention— Local Congregation “Children of Light.” At this point, I don’t have a review, but with such a trustworthy author there is sure to be nuggets upon nuggets to glean from and growth within and outward to come. I look forward to a slow read.
Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia and guests
still finishing up Fall and Rise of Mars Hill by Christianity Today. Hearty listening. A calling to be aware and notice what’s happening to us inward and to those around us in settings of similarity.