The Senses? Climbing, creativity, and calling.
Lately, there’s been a tug of revisiting some of my childhood memories of camping in Tuolumne Meadows and Yosemite Valley. And a dream of returning as an adult to explore more. The Muir Project documentary Mile…Mile & a Half first grabbed my attention, and a few months ago reading Valley of the Giants—the women rock climbers of these enormous granites have widened my eyes and challenged my mind. These two have enamored a possibility of hiking some of the Muir trail this coming summer. So picking up one of John Muir’s stories the First Summer in the Sierra has been a slow read and great choice. What I found in reading these descriptions in the middle of winter has been an escape, a serenity of outdoors into my heart and home where I wait for warmer days and the enamored possibility— a Hope to see the Giants granite walls and green meadows soon, oh soon, please!
I offer these readings and a few films for they speak to God’s creation, and the soul’s desire to do hard things while placing trust and care into His hands and one another’s hands at times. I found the teams willingness to go to such lengths something worth noticing as we live into loving God and loving others—an otherness in community that is committed. I know there’s more but this is a start. Here are the two film recommendations for you:
Free Solo is a 2018 American documentary film directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin that profiles rock climber Alex Honnold
Explorer: The Last Tepui another film that follows elite climber Alex Honnold and a world-class climbing team on a grueling mission deep in the Amazon jungle.
“our imaginations are a vital part. A part planted there by God for a purpose, imagination is something to be used not just to teach but also to enrich creativity and to bring enjoyment”—Luci Shaw
Are you looking for inspiration and deep connectedness between faith and art? Shaw’s writings will inspire as she gives attentiveness to the formation of our whole being through our Creator and His longing for us to be creative’s bearing His image. Breath for the Bones, yes!
Unity —oneness, state of being undivided
Is unity possible or worthwhile pursuing? a follow up on last month’s study on peace —offering the question Is Peace and Unity Possible? (I’m still wrestling with THE question to ask, or questions to keep asking)
An Offering
A thematic study on the word “unity” within the pages of Scripture brings to surface a radiance, a pleasant light to our being with God and others. Also maybe what I have heard recently called a bit of “fine sandpaper rubbing” to our being with others helping soften our edges will be formational. This past month’s invitation moves from a study on peace to what does Scripture say about unity. Below is a trail with some of the content —a calling, a drawing in, a sitting with, a walking through in examining and wanting, thus leading to pray in the midst of word and pauses along the way:
“Lord, awaken my heart to greater unity —a oneness we so desperately need in our communities of faith and neighborhoods, cities, nations, wherever we are.” amen
an Outline to get you started if you wish
Unity is the theme of:
-Acts…..Acts 4:32
-1 Corinthians…..1 Co. 12:13
Important elements of unity:
-Unity is good and pleasant— Psalm 133:1
-Unity makes God’s people fruitful— Psalm 133:3
-Unity is a challenge we must strive to achieve— Ephesians 4: 12-16; Philippians 1: 27, 2: 1-2; 1 Th 5: 13; 1 Peter 3: 8
-Unity requires that we love one another— Eph. 4: 15-16
-Diversity in gifts is consistent with unity—Romans 12: 4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:7-30
-Diversity in thinking is consistent with unity—Romans 14: 1-6
(there’s more, but this is a good start)
Podcasts! (love to hear your recommendations)
Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia and guests
Being Known with Curt Thompson, MD