The Coffee Shop: Trustworthy
How can I testify to God being trustworthy?
Deserving of trust or confidence
Begin with silence
Quiet settling in
A deep breath, slowly let it out
“He has set my feet upon a rock,
Steadying my footsteps and
Establishing my path”--Psalm 40:2
He is Trustworthy
While its winter, I am challenged with writing not by the pond where my previous familiar inspirations would nudge me—for this season of crisp and cold, a coffee shop writing is evolving. A sweet and smiling surprise as I sit here watching faces coming through the door while reading Breath for the Bones by Luci Shaw.
Where are you finding yourself this winter?
Take a moment to look around at your surroundings. Maybe even begin writing a few reflections.
“He is Trustworthy” Reflective journaling for Friday, Jan 20th:
I am always grateful for the creative process—heaven to earth experience of God in dwelling all (and even you and me). Offering His beauty, His creation. Giving me eyes to see it, and ears to hear the sounds of earth, the people of earth. And at times the solitude and silence of moments intermixed, intertwined and sometimes tangible and other times a curious hearing like “Was that a crow or raven, a falcon or a hawk, fireworks or backfire from a car, tears of mourning or of laughter?”
These questions arise and bring forth wonder and then awe or sometimes the other way around. Awe then wondrous thoughts.
We too are a special and unique creation and in process —leaving behind what is weighing us down and what we often call burden.
God calls us to do this—give our process(es) to Him. He is our Creator who also invites us to be creative (co-creators) with Him.
Why? Because He is trustworthy. His invitations at times are personal and individual; often there are times they are part of a whole. Others are with us attached to us as family, children, friends, neighbors, strangers, fellow pilgrims invited into our co-creations as we are in theirs.
Have you ever wondered about being God’s creation and as one in process?
Take a moment to wonder with God about how He has created you as uniquely you. Continue writing a few reflections.
Co-creating is a relevant thread God is weaving into my life through community. One of the things I am learning about “being woven and with” in community is spaciousness –how to give trust to this process of co-creative community and leave all things to the Lord’s doing and orchestration–my coming and going. Our coming and going! As I see this, I am experiencing His trustworthy love and finding in the midst of new and uncertain days, I can still say:
“He put a new song in my mouth, a song
of praise to our God;
Many will see and fear with great
And will trust confidently in the LORD.” —Psalm 40:3
Lord, What are your invitations today? Help me see and hear Your trustworthy grace and abundant love. amen.
Reflective Journaling
Reflective journaling began the trail leading to unveiling a focus on trustworthy. It may sound jumbled and it is. It (journaling) is an effective path of discovering where God is in our lives. Noticing our surroundings, then taking in what we see and hear, what we read and write invites an all-in listening for what God is actively and graciously doing within us.
Take a few moments in your week to listen and write as reflective journaling with one or more of the questions below. Whether with pen and paper or iPhone notes, write loosely and honestly your reflections in sentences, phrases, or single words. Explore co-creating with our Creator, God.