Is Peace and Unity possible?
Plowshares—image by m r n
Peace —wholeness and well-being in all areas of life
A Topical study on the word “peace” within the pages of Scripture are telling. This past month, I found myself wanting an expansion of heart and life with this theme. Below is an outline of some of the content worth sitting with, examining and wanting, praying “Lord, open where I need peace —Your perfect peace not as I see or the world sees or tries so hard to give or speak.”
an Outline to get you started if you wish
Jesus and our peace:
-Prophesied “Prince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6
-Peace proclaimed at his birth Luke 2:14
-Promised to his disciples John 14:27, 16:33
-Achieved on the cross Isaiah 53:5, Col. 1:20
-the Good News of peace Is. 52:7, Acts 10:36
-He is our peace Ephesians 2:14
(there’s more, but this is a good start)
—(excerpt from back cover)
“Sometimes I’m asked, What should we do? How can we make a difference? This book is my answer.
First with God. Then with others—every kind of other you can think of.
Because the simple, powerful, messy, explosive truth is: the world is changed one friendship at a time.
Won’t you join me, friend?” by John M. Perkins
—He Calls Me Friend, in November, I was privileged with the opportunity to travel by van to Dallas area with a group of dear people. We were endowed with listening: to stories of faith, of struggle, of remaining faithful, to hold fast to the peace and unity—a “firm center” of trust that the Spirit of God is at work in the midst of our weakness. A most beautiful time my words cannot describe.
The conference was called Take to the Wind—conversations, teachings, and worship focused on bringing attentiveness, awareness, engagement and uncomfortableness for all of us so in togetherness there is the way of Christ “to advance the gospel, the local church, and the kingdom of God in this day and age as well as in years to come…”
I personally am still reading through these pages learning and being reminded that friendship takes time, a long time to really grow and deepen. Highly recommend these pages to you.
A must read friends. Challenges and gleanings are powerful from Biola’s president Barry H Corey, his honesty really struck a cord for me. Some highlights barely scratching the surface of The way of Kindness:
“Kindness is a third way, the way of firm centers and soft edges”
“Kindness opens us to adventurous relationships and the joyful journey we otherwise would miss”
“Making oneself “receivable”—the objective of the receivable life is not to be received but to be receivable…”
One More title: TORN
I didn’t get a chance to listen to any podcasts this month but these are still some of my favorites. Enjoy!
Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia and guests
The Emotionally Healthy Leader Podcast with Pete Scazzero
Disrupting False Peace as God’s Path to True Peacemaking Pt. 1 and Pt. 2