Henri Nouwen & current podcasts

image shot at Los Poblanos open space, New Mexico

image shot at Los Poblanos open space, New Mexico


Current Readings

Jesus: A Gospel by Henri Nouwen

An Unhurried Life: Following Jesus’ Rhythms of Work and Rest by Alan Fadling

Some of the quotes that caught my attention and meditation from within the first few chapters:

“Helping others learn to walk with Jesus and not stop at just believing things about him requires intentionality and focused effort. We make time. Unhurried time.” (p 37)

“Unhurry and laziness are not equivalents. Jesus was unhurried, but he was not lazy. “ “He was engaged, hardworking, purposeful and conscientious.” (p 40)

“Jesus lived an unhurried and fruitful life.” (p 55)

Adam: God’s Beloved by Henri Nouwen

A beautiful story of Adam, a young man Nouwen cared for serving at L’Arche (a community of faith and belonging where people with and without intellectual disabilities live together).

Nouwen writes, “Adam’s humanity was not diminished by his disabilities. Adam’s humanity was a full humanity, in which the fullness of love became visible for me, and for others who grew to know him.”

Poets & Saints by Jamie George


Discerning Leader with Steve Macchia

Your Enneagram Coach with Beth and Jeff McCord


Guest feature