Guest feature: Mother’s Day tribute
Welcome— my mother Lenora Louise Boek, a dear soul and spiritual mentor. She is a faithful prayer warrior for many. Everyone she meets instantly becomes a special name and face to her. She lovingly reaches in to your heart and offers encouraging words, a smile and her well known laugh lingers. I am delighted she is willing to give a story of herself to us. A beautiful honoring of who she is, whom she beholds, and is becoming—an image bearer of the Lord.
Thank you Mom for sharing your heart with us this month.
What has it been like to be a Mother?
How has mothering been a way of encouraging your life with God and experiencing His promises?
Reflection by Louise
In the month of May we celebrate Mother's Day! What comes to mind for me is that being a mother is rewarding and challenging. Motherhood brings excitement and adventure!
The birth of our first baby brought us new and unknown experiences. Our baby had to be a "boy" because my husband has one sibling, a sister who has four daughters and she was through having children. When our first child was born, my mother-in-law really wanted a boy, and I remember the first words
I spoke were "Oh my mother-in-law will be so happy!" Of course we were excited too! Yes, everything was new! We learned to be parents “as you go" and we tried to depend on God for each decision. It was exciting taking our baby out to meet the world, and it felt like he was the "only" baby in town. I wanted to say "See my Baby!"
A year later we had another child. Oh, to have a girl was like "icing on the cake." And her father was "over the top" with having a daughter. Last but not least, 3 and 1/2 years later, we had our last child, our second baby boy.
Yes, there is so much joy in being a mother that I cannot express it all.
Yes, there are some sad times but, the good times help to reflect on the joy
God has brought to our lives. Children help make the family. We have many great memories in our family like when vacationing at the beach, camping in the mountains, and going to places of interest. Family gatherings are always exciting and celebrating holidays have always been the best of times. Being with our grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended families are the greatest memories we have made. It's hard to think of "one” outstanding occasion because there have been so many special times. We continue making those memories. We are blessed and thankful to God to have our family. The love I have for my children brought to me a better understanding of God's love for us. He continues to show me through “life experiences” just how much He loves us.
my mother Lenora
Are there any insights that come to mind as you remember your own Mother? What wisdom did she pass on to you?
I was fortunate and very blessed to have had my mother always there for me. She may not have agreed with everything, but she was always there.
She taught me to give when you don't have much and to stand on my convictions.
What concluding words of encouragement would you like to share with Arise readers?
I am very blessed to have my children Jeremiah, Josh, and Melanie. My daughter Melanie who brings so much joy to my heart asked me to write something that encourage others whether you are a mother or not and this is what God put on my heart to share with you:
I'm so thankful for Jesus coming to earth and showing us the perfect example of Love. My heart goes out to those who are hurting, are less fortunate, discouraged and are hurting because of lack of love. My prayer is for you to feel God's Arms of Love around you. Always remember Jesus loves You and He will never forget You!