Arise Blog

Simply Deep: hesed
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Simply Deep: hesed

Simply deep: hesed

Hesed—Hebrew meaning “loving-kindness, unselfish love, loyal love…”

This word has been staying with me, in seeing, in hearing, and its meaning; appearing over the course of time on a wall within my local church, in readings throughout Scripture, in current resonating resources, and in the subtly of…

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Simply Deep: joy
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Simply Deep: joy

Where have you noticed “joy” lately?

It’s the time of year where we see the word “Joy” stamped, sewn, or painted on every regular item (pillows, towels, mugs, shirts, windows etc). We hear the songs of Christmas laden with this simple word. Recently one evening, I was sharing with my husband that joy is the emotion clinical psychologist Dr. Jim Wilder has found to be most effective in treating…

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Simply Deep: unplanned, plan
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Simply Deep: unplanned, plan

Recently, I took a solo road trip from New Mexico to SoCal. A few months earlier I began planning my days, times, and places to stop, visit, and explore. Yet of course, also leaving room …

While we know there are times when unplanned, plans can not be for leisure instead more of struggle and possibly tragic. Upon strolling the decks and discovery of the Queen Mary, you are invited to step…

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 Simply Deep: beauty saves lives
Reflection Melanie Nixon Reflection Melanie Nixon

Simply Deep: beauty saves lives

Simply Deep. This is a new short reflective piece for Arise Blog with something simple yet full of possible complexities. Somewhat like that of ordinary. In God’s eyes, ordinary is attention to reality, what often feels mundane, and most likely present to…

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