Two children’s books. Psalms. And surprised by author.
A beautiful thing happened this month!
Hello friends! It’s been awhile since I have posted on Arise Blog because this month’s time has called me to more listening. It has definitely been a reflective entry into a new year. It hit me a few morning’s ago that a new posting for the year’s start would be to share some of the readings I have been listening with instead of coming up with another devotional or resting portion.
May these resources bring inspiration to your 2024 beginning or in the months to come!
Current Readings
A very sweet family story of Miguel and his father living and learning together what it means to work together as family yet also taking on new responsibilities and learn a trade of shepherding. The delight of this story was opening the pages to find the setting is right here in New Mexico in the Sangre de Cristo mountains.
For me, I was suddenly nudged into my first memories of discovering these mountains while driving the High Road to Taos, a winding path en route to reunite with my cousins the Coleman brothers. My cousin James had recently acquired a unique local’s ski resort “Sipapu” which for short is often referred to as Sipa.
My first drive up there was filled with excitement and anticipation; the curious wonder of would I even recognize him after so many years since our childhood and early adult years. It had now been 20 some years. We described one another before reuniting and when we spotted each other at the base of the ski basin, we immediately embraced with smiles, joy, and reaching out to hug! This reunion began the most wonderful, loving friendship of cousins again and my love for exploring the Sangre de Cristo mountains.
This is a portion of my story's connection to Miguel’s. If you ever pick up a copy, may you too find your own connections whether you live in New Mexico, visited these mountains, or have other associations that arise.
The joy of reading brings us to learn, but more so to find relationships within pages to discover or uncover maybe more of who we are, or where we’ve been, and possibly where we might want to go.
A few weeks ago, I walked into our local bookstore browsing the small used section. I picked up Anne Lindbergh’s book, intrigued by the title and book cover image of seashells. Two things stood out, one the title’s luring of the sea, and secondly, a collection of seashells I have on my coffee table ready for the grandkids to pick up and touch. These shells are purposely in reach for them and so as not to have to say “oh, those aren’t for you to touch.” Instead, I want my grandchildren to get to explore when they come for a visit or a short stay.
Beyond the cover, Anne’s own story of being the wife of pilot Charles Lindbergh struck me. I am drawn-in to hearing the “wife’s” story of well-known people, and second, her writing surprised me most by being about mid-life. A place where I find myself in as wife, mother, friend, and career —all transitional in this season of life. Her experiences and thoughts keep me slowly reading portions at a time.
The Book of Psalms
came and began to open this year’s beginning and morning routine, welcoming each new day. I was surprised by this as well, but have found myself saying— “Yes!” “Lord, You know my coming and going, and what I need!”
This stream of reading began divinely in Psalm 23 —
The LORD, the Psalmist’s Shepherd
23:1 “The LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide, and to shield me], I shall not want.” [AMP]
And the readings have continued on over these past 31 days of January, carrying into the Psalms of 24— 32. Oh, how kind these words of comfort, clarity, and swirling about at times have been! God’s Word keeps me moving forward over humps, through the valleys, and many walks along streams that are sometimes flowing and other times dried up yet they reveal over and over God is with me–caring for me and carrying me.
If you find your own beginning of January feeling like a Psalm, may you be encouraged to stay with what God is showing you or waiting to be shown as you read on. Or maybe try beginning February with a Psalm reading, there are 150 to choose from. Start where your eyes are drawn, your heart and mind will follow. Trust the loving presence of God!
“It’s going to be amazing!”
Lastly, a children’s book The Rabbit Listened, a simple and inspiring story given to me from my dear friend and supervisor Cheri at the completion of Selah SD. Learning something new called spiritual direction has been fulfilling and challenging.
Yesterday, I opened the front cover and read again Cheri’s note to me saying “Melanie, This book is for when you need a reminder that listening really matters!” Much love, Cheri [May 2021]
So profound, more so God gifted this handwritten note when I’ve needed such comfort and present peace. I reread the pages of this book realizing it takes courage to listen well, courage when things in life [blocks] are being knocked down, and courage to imagine picking up the blocks, and courage to start building again something more beautiful. The concluding words and image of this story are of the little boy with his rabbit friend saying together “It’s going to be amazing!”